Acier inoxydable 300 Series Grades


Chromium nickel steel capable of attaining high tensile strength and ductility by moderate or severe cold working.

0.15 6.0-8.0 16.0-18.0 18.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max

S .03 Max

Si 1.0 Max


301LN is a higher nitrogen content version of 301L to compensate for the lower carbon.

0.03 6.0-8.0 16.5-18.5 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
S 1.0 Max


Free machining grade (sulfur added) with good machinability, corrosion resistance and strength.

0.15 8.0-10.0 17.0-19.0 2.0 Max

P .20 Max
Si 1.0 Max
S .15 Min


Low carbon chromium nickel stainless and heat resisting steel somewhat superior to Type 302 in corrosion resistance.

0.08 8.0-10.5 18.0-20.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max


Controlled carbon grade of 304 for increased strength at operating temperatures above 800 degrees Fahrenheit.

.04-1.0 8.0-10.5 18.0-20.0 2.0 Max

P .04 Max
Si 1.0 Max
S .03 Max


Very low carbon chromium nickel steel with general corrosion resistance similar to Type 304 but with superior resistance to intergranular corrosion following welding or stress relieving.

.03 8.0-12.0 18.0-20.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max


High corrosion-resistant, chromium nickel grade with carbon limited to .08

.08 12.0-15.0 22.0-24.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max


Controlled carbon version of 309. 309S maintains corrosion resistance at higher operating temperatures.

.08 12.0-15.0 22.0-24.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
Si 1.0 Max
S .03 Max


Similar to 309 with higher resistance to corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures.

.25 19.0-22.0 24.0-26.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.50 Max


Maintains good strength and corrosion resistance at higher operating temperatures.

.08 19.0-22 24.00-26.00 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .030 Max
Si 1.50 Max


Chromium nickel stainless and heat resisting steel with superior corrosion resistance to other chromium nickel steels when exposed to many types of chemical corrodents; superior creep strength at elevated temperatures.

.08 10.0-14.0 16.0-18.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max
Mo 2.0-3.0


Low carbon chromium nickel stainless steel with general corrosion resistance similar to Type 316 but with superior resistance to intergranular corrosion following welding or relieving. It is recommended for use in parts which are fabricated by welding and cannot be subsequently annealed.

.03 10.0-14.0 16.0-18.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max
Mo 2.0-3.0


Chromium nickel steel containing titanium. Recommended for parts fabricated by welding which cannot be subsequently annealed. Also recommended for parts to be used at temperatures between 800°F and 1850°F.

.08 9.0-12.0 17.0-19.0 2.0 Max

P .045 Max
S .03 Max
Si 1.0 Max
Ti 5xC Min


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Inventaire d' Acier inoxydable 300 Series

# Description Nuance Degré de trempe Finition Dimensions Ajouter au panier
1 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 2-1/2" x Sch10 x 20' 304 Welded WLD 2-1/2" x Sch10 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
2 Tuyau en acier inoxydable 21/2 x Sch40 x 20-24' 304 21/2 x Sch40 x 20-24' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
3 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 3" x Sch40 x 20' 304L Welded WLD 3" x Sch40 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
4 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 3" x Sch5 x 20' 304L Welded WLD 3" x Sch5 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
5 Tuyau en acier inoxydable 3 x Sch10 x 20-24' 304 3 x Sch10 x 20-24' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
6 Tuyau en acier inoxydable 3 x Sch40 x 20-24' 304 3 x Sch40 x 20-24' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
7 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 3-1/2" x Sch80 x 20-22' 304L Welded WLD 3-1/2" x Sch80 x 20-22' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
8 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 3-1/2" x Sch40 x 20' 304L Welded WLD 3-1/2" x Sch40 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
9 Tuyau en acier inoxydable 31/2 x Sch10 x 20-24' 304 31/2 x Sch10 x 20-24' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
10 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 4" NPS x Sch80 x 20-22' 304 Seamless WLD 4" NPS x Sch80 x 20-22' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
11 Tuyau en acier inoxydable SMLS 4" x Sch80 x 20' 304 Seamless SMLS 4" x Sch80 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
12 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 5" x Sch10 x 20' 304L Welded WLD 5" x Sch10 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
13 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 5" x Sch40 x 20' 304L Welded WLD 5" x Sch40 x 20' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
14 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 6" x Sch10 x 20-22' 304 Seamless WLD 6" x Sch10 x 20-22' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier
15 Tuyau en acier inoxydable WLD 6" NPS x Sch80 x 20-22' 304 Seamless WLD 6" NPS x Sch80 x 20-22' Ajouter au panier Ajouter au panier

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